This week I experienced the The most magical experience. My wonderful girl Athena gave birth to 8 beautiful puppies I hand delivered. The whole experience was wonderful it's just amazing how as a mother instinct kicked in immediately and she was very loving. I was surprised to see the variety of coat patterns and after a couple days already seeing each individual puppies personality. The journey has started to establishing the breed Nord Wachhund.
So scrolling through ads on social networks I see a growing "trend" of people rehominh dogs do to training problems. One in particular was rehoming a young dog because it chases cats and jumps on the kid....lets think this over. They basically are rehominh the dog because it's being a normal puppy. I can make a bet they will also be buying a replacement that I guarantee will be the same. People don't seem to take in consideration what this does to the dog. They have to train and work with a dog for it to behave the way they want. You can't expect a dog to be perfect without putting work in. Yes that means putting the damn phone down, spending time with the dog and omg might have to spend a couple dollars getting professional training. It's common sense, their is never a good enough excuse to give up on the family dog everything can be worked for if your willing to put the energy into it.
Another thing is good advice is not free. If you want results and something worth the time it might cost a little money. Everyone deserves to be rewarded for expertise and talents too often people believe things should be handouts. Remember be polite and don't give up on your dogs.